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Psalm 133 29 Sep 2018

Is still a very important Jewish song. It is strange that Christians do not like to sing it.

To live as brothers in unity

1. How good, how delightful it is to live as brothers all together!

Is as:

2.It is like a fine oil on the head, running down the beard, running down Aaron's beard, onto the collar of his robes.
3.It is like the dew of Hermon falling on the heights of Zion; for there Yahweh bestows his blessing, everlasting life.

brothers and sisters unity

The blessings of Yahweh:

Eternal life

The American bishops comment:

[Psalm 133] A benediction over a peaceful community, most probably the people Israel, but appropriate too for Israelite families (Ps 133:1). The history of Israel, whether of its ancestors in the Book of Genesis or of later periods, was a history of distinct groups struggling to live in unity. Here that unity is declared blessed, like the holy oils upon the priest Aaron or the dew of the rainless summer that waters the crops (Ps 133:2–3).
* [133:1] Brothers: in biblical Hebrew this word includes both the male and female members of a group united by blood relationships or by shared experiences and values. In this Psalm, the term could be applied most appropriately to the people of Israel, those privileged by God to be his chosen children.
* [133:2] Oil on the head: oil was used at the consecration of the high priest (Ex 30:22–33).
* [133:3] Dew: dew was an important source of moisture in the dry climate (Gn 27:28; Hos 14:6). Hermon: the majestic snow-capped mountain visible in the north of Palestine.
[133:2] Ex 30:25, 30., [133:3] Hos 14:6., [133:3] Dt 28:8; 30:20.

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