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Mist 1 Sep 2018
Mist mistifies the real image. To mystify is to confuse. Once more I am confused in spelling. But both words at least can be found on the Internet.
Then there is mystique. Where mystique should open our heart, we also can be mystified easily.
The plot is set
The mist has done its work. Mist makes me mystified. My target in life has become vague. Mist is everywhere where I do not have a clear target or purpose. Mist distracts. Mist captures in mystery.
I am human. I may like mystery. But mystery has a big shadow. It does not lead to responsible action.
For the Christians among us: if you treat the Holy Spirit as a mystery in the mist and God's word as mist in a mystery, you have to grow up and seek to clarify the mist.
If God exists, He is not mist
And if God is missed, you have to seek Him.
He is the God of the living. He is not the God of the passive people.
Although God may hide in the mist - for He is too big for us to see Him - his message is not a mystery.
If we say that his message is mystery, we cheat ourselves.
When you make the effort to raise your head above the mist you will read: