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Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:

I.M. Rejected 14 Oct 2021

Many years ago I had to apply for a job in a time of crisis. I was not very much in demand. No company appeared to be interested in my skills. I was rejected many times. Roughly twice or trice a week for a 5 months period of time. Fortunately I was helped.


I was coached by a professional psychologist, Henk. It was a time when I did not see direction in my life. I clearly needed income. And Henk guided me patiently.


I also enrolled in a free job application training given by the municipality of Eindhoven. I had not been involved in job application for 16 years. And the times had changed. I learned more up to date standards of writing a resume and motivation letter. I also got some training in dealing with nasty interview questions.
What I remember most of all was how to prepare for phone calls to hiring companies. I learned life-time-lessons. Is it a good moment to talk to you? Is there a time which suits you better? Etc.
After each rejection, we were instructed to make a phone call to the human resource department of the rejecting company. And ask them what were the reasons for not hiring and asking what could I improve or if they would know about other job opportunities? Hearing from a human person about my rejection made it way easier to accept it.


With the rejections I received with dating, I was emotionally affected. I got to know emotions that I was hardly aware about. I became aware that I had the capacity to love another person.


Father God, thank you for what I could learn from my rejections.

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