Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:
I.M. Competitive 26 Oct 2020
When I play a game, I like to win. When I play a game with Millet, I like to enjoy the game.
It is easy to hurt others when competing.
Fair Competition
Competition gives me a reason to perform. When several people look for a solution for a complex problem, competition can work very well. Especially with teamwork the creativity may be triggered by the results of others.
A few days ago I read about 'how mathematicians think'. One thing was very clear: 'they do not think along straight lines towards a solution'. They struggle with a problem. They make test calculations. They make many 'useless' trials. And competing with others may help them to move forward. Research is a lot of hard work.
Dear Father, help me to appreciate colleagues and persons with different gifts and opinions. With the complexity of life I really need the 'competitive' influence of others. I thank you for the gift of encouragement, where I can appreciate the efforts of friends, colleagues and 'enemies'.