Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:
I.M. Belittled 9 Oct 2020
"Be little"! When Jesus recommends, "Be like the little children", his intention is not to belittle. Jesus sees value in honest and good children. And they are made as an example.
Belittling does something different. It is an opposite of encouraging, appreciating and honoring a person.
Let someone say to me: "You are a nothing" or "You only made a very small contribution, I did most of the work". It sounds like an accusation. I may like to respond. The speaker may want to hurt me. I may feel like running away. And if I step out his purpose has been accomplished.
A second option is that I stay calm. I could admit that I did only a few things. I could smile with a reasonable accusation.
In the case that I am reduced to a nothing (without a good reason - and there is hardly one), I must learn to stand my place. I could say, "You don't treat me with respect, and I want you to stop that." When people really treat me repeatedly without respect, I can seek a more healthy place. A small warning. It happens often that a certain type of problem repeats in my life at other times and places. My response or behaviour may trigger the action of others. In that case I should seek help to find strength and security in life.
I may feel belittled by an event where there is no enemy or intention to hurt. That may occur with any normal person. I may misinterpret or I may be shaken by bad thoughts.
I may step into self-pity. I could smile or laugh about my unhelpful response.
If I easily feel belittled, I may have been hurt by circumstances or events in the past. Poverty and jealousy are examples. When I compare myself with others, I should avoid that attitude. Who I am should not depend on others or even the circumstances. I am valuable. And my life has meaning.
Father God, I choose to be a child of you. A person with value. If I was lazy or not responsible, help me to accept what I did. If I failed to do my share in a work, give me the strength to admit this and where needed to say sorry. Father God, I ask you for a safe and good place to live and work, where I can enjoy my life and the talents which you gave me. Help me to forgive those who have belittled me.