Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:
Stones (Building Piece) 18 Oct 2019
Peacemaking is fairly complex and simple at the same time. It needs desire and strength. If we build on peace little by little, the circle of peace will widen.
First myself
I can not spread peace when I am involved in conflict myself. Yes, I am involved in all kind of bigger and smaller conflicts. And even more worse, I do not recognize my conflicts. I can invite the Holy Spirit to open my eyes a little. I just can work on one conflict at a time.
My conflicts with God
When I know I have disappointed myself, other people or God, I need to be honest. I need to admit it to God.
Yes, I disappoint myself frequently. Examples are being lazy, irresponsible, hurting other people, deceiving, stealing (time, foods ...), in-cooperativeness.
Signs may be: shame, fear for authority, withdrawing from other people.
How does God relate to those things? I am a child of my heavenly Father, I am hurt, and God cares. Jesus knows and understands me. He is my peace-bringer.
Very short. I may easily excuse myself. But I need to take ownership of the problems I cause. Again: I need to admit my wrong. Where I fail to correct the trouble I cause, I need to seek help.
I can speak out forgiveness to others where they have hurt me.

Stones are building blocks
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