Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:
I.M. Restless 7 Nov 2021
Nowadays so many things require my attention. There is a lot to know. The Internet holds a huge amount of accessible information. And with the Internet there are many people to connect to. That is nice. It is tiring as well. It makes me feel restless. There is always something which I could do.
Fortunately, I am too lazy to know everything. I take my time to sleep. I take my time to relax. Technically I have more than enough rest.
Despite my laziness, there are a few things which make me restless.
The most frustrating one is when I have quarreled with a another person. My peace has gone. I try to remember the exact words that have been spoken and I fail with that. What happened that I could not settle peacefully? Usually small things. But hose small things can be very frustrating. And they stir up anxieties and unfriendly thoughts.
By times I like to perform. Am I doing well enough? What would Millet think about me? What would others expect me to do?
I have a dream to build community. I am not very successful. Over the years I learn, little by very little. My dream makes me somewhat restless. Which I actually like. It is important to me.
Father God, three things to pray about! Help me to deal with laziness and procrastination. Help me to make up when I have hurt persons. Guide me in the realization of my dreams.

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