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PSALM 9 - Prayer 4 Nations 10 Nov 2019
Seven times psalm 9 speaks about nations. Usually judgment over nations. David proclaims God as King. A king with a power to destroy nations.
The nations hold and exercise power over many people. They are strongholds. Therefore we need to pray for the nations and their leaders. First of all we need to pray for our own nation and its leaders. We are subject to their decisions.
What should we pray for the nations? Some thoughts:
- We should pray that the good news of Jesus will spread and touch many lives.
- We should ask God for mercy on and patience with our (own) nations.
- We should ask the Holy Spirit to stir up prayers in us (and then discern!)
- We should be slow to ask bad things for any nation or person. Their deeds judge themselves.
- We always can ask for repentance for both nations and persons.
- We should ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom for our leaders, how to deal with various religions.
- At all times we should seek to be known for our mutual love. Because that is the reason that we can be recognized as disciples of Jesus.
Psalm 9
1 [For the choirmaster On oboe and harp Psalm Of David]
I thank you, Yahweh, with my whole heart, I recount all your wonders,
2 I rejoice and delight in you, I sing to your name, Most High.
3 My enemies are in retreat, they stumble and perish at your presence,
4 for you have given fair judgment in my favour,
seated on your throne as upright judge.
5 You have rebuked the nations, destroyed the wicked,
blotted out their name for ever and ever;
6 the enemy is wiped out -- mere ruins for ever --
you have annihilated their cities, their memory has perished. See,
7 Yahweh is enthroned for ever, keeping his throne firm for judgment;
8 he will himself judge the world in uprightness,
will give a true verdict on the nations.
9 May Yahweh be a stronghold for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble!
10 Those who revere your name can rely on you,
you never desert those who seek you, Yahweh.
11 Sing to Yahweh who dwells in Zion,
tell the nations his mighty deeds,
12 for the avenger of blood does not forget them,
he does not ignore the cry of the afflicted.
13 Have pity on me, Yahweh, see my affliction,
pull me back from the gates of death, 14 that I may recount
all your praises at the gates of the daughter of Zion
and rejoice in your salvation.
15 The nations have fallen into the trap they made,
their feet caught in the snare they laid.
16 Yahweh has made himself known, given judgement,
he has ensnared the wicked in the work of their own hands. Muted music Pause
17 May the wicked turn away to Sheol,
all the nations forgetful of God.
18 For the needy is not forgotten for ever,
not for ever does the hope of the poor come to nothing.
19 Arise, Yahweh; human strength shall not prevail.
The nations shall stand trial before you.
20 Strike them with terror, Yahweh;
the nations shall know that they are no more than human! Pause
Excerpt from THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE, copyright (c) 1985 by
Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division
of Penguin Random House, Inc. Reprinted by Permission.

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