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PSALM 24 - Hill Climbing 25 Nov 2019
Who shall go up to the mountain of Yahweh?
In the Netherlands there are no mountains. We have few hills, the highest point is 300 meters above sea level. Not far from there, on a hill, is a monastery with Benedictine Monks. They pursue a life of holiness. It is not easy nor complicated. For sure it requires determinedness.
The rule of Saint Benedict
The pursuit of holiness takes prayer and work (ora et labora in Latin). The work (opus Dei) is for a large part praying. Benedictines sing all 150 psalms just in one week. In Latin language. There are seven prayer times spread over the day. And in between there is "physical" work for living. The monks talk little, they eat sober. Their fasting is limited. Among the hard work may be patience with the other monks.
It is with the constant prayer that their lives are transformed little by little into the image of God.
I desire the king of Glory to enter in my gates as the psalm says. And I am the hill. Hard to climb. Very high.
Psalm 24
1 [Psalm Of David]
To Yahweh belong the earth and all it contains,
the world and all who live there;
2 it is he who laid its foundations on the seas,
on the flowing waters fixed it firm.
3 Who shall go up to the mountain of Yahweh?
Who shall take a stand in his holy place?
4 The clean of hands and pure of heart,
whose heart is not set on vanities,
who does not swear an oath in order to deceive.
5 Such a one will receive blessing from Yahweh,
saving justice from the God of his salvation.
6 Such is the people that seeks him,
that seeks your presence, God of Jacob. Pause
7 Gates, lift high your heads,
raise high the ancient gateways,
and the king of glory shall enter!
8 Who is he, this king of glory?
It is Yahweh, strong and valiant,
Yahweh valiant in battle.
9 Gates, lift high your heads,
raise high the ancient gateways,
and the king of glory shall enter!
10 Who is he, this king of glory?
Yahweh Sabaoth, he is the king of glory. Pause
Excerpt from THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE, copyright (c) 1985 by
Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division
of Penguin Random House, Inc. Reprinted by Permission.

Monastery of Benedictine Monks
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