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PSALM 12 - Children of Adam 13 Nov 2019

Both the beginning and the end of today's psalm speak about the children of Adam. Children who have been affected by evil. I am one of them. Only God is just.
Jahweh promises salvation for the poor (vs 5).

I struggle to understand about whom David is praying. He does not speak about specific enemies of him self. It seems David speaks about the depravedness of mankind. Again, I am one of them.
Only when I become poor, my saviour will act. Poor could mean poor of Spirit, not proud, willing to submit to my saviour and share with the needy. Else, I am among the corrupt children of Adam.

Psalm 12

1 [For the choirmaster On the octachord Psalm Of David]
Help, Yahweh! No one loyal is left,
the faithful have vanished from among the children of Adam.
2 Friend tells lies to friend, and,
smooth-tongued, speaks from an insincere heart.
3 May Yahweh cut away every smooth lip, every boastful tongue,
4 those who say, 'In our tongue lies our strength,
our lips are our allies; who can master us?'
5 'For the poor who are plundered, the needy who groan,
now will I act,' says Yahweh, '
I will grant salvation to those who sigh for it.'
6 Yahweh's promises are promises unalloyed,
natural silver which comes from the earth seven times refined.
7 You, Yahweh, will watch over them,
you will protect them from that brood for ever.
8 The wicked will scatter in every direction,
as the height of depravity among the children of Adam.

Excerpt from THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE, copyright (c) 1985 by
Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division
of Penguin Random House, Inc. Reprinted by Permission.

My future if I refuse to become "poor".

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