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PSALM 11 - Creation Judged 12 Nov 2019
The psalm has the name David in the title. There is however doubt about that. A technical reason is the literary style of the psalm. Another reason could be - and I am in no way a bible expert - the hinting of an eternal life in verse 7: "The honest will ever see his face."
In verse 4-5 it is explained that God observes everything. And in the verses 6-7 it is explained how God will treat the bad and the good, according to what they deserve.
Psalm 11
1 [For the choirmaster Of David]
In Yahweh I have found refuge.
How can you say to me,'
Bird, flee to your mountain?'
2 For look, the wicked are drawing their bows,
fitting their arrows to the string
to shoot honest men from the shadows.
3 If the foundations fall to ruin,
what can the upright do?
4 Yahweh in his holy temple!
Yahweh, his throne is in heaven;
his eyes watch over the world,
his gaze scrutinises the children of Adam.
5 Yahweh examines the upright and the wicked,
the lover of violence he detests.
6 He will rain down red-hot coals,
fire and sulphur on the wicked,
a scorching wind will be their lot.
7 For Yahweh is upright and loves uprightness,
the honest will ever see his face.
Excerpt from THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE, copyright (c) 1985 by
Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division
of Penguin Random House, Inc. Reprinted by Permission.

Psalm 11
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