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Pursuit 14 Nov 2018

A pursuit sounds like an active work. When you pause too long, the object you pursue may move out of the scope of your observation. I may be in pursuit of something I earnestly desire.

A pursuit sounds like a game. And we may not take it very serious. Even so the pursuit of Jesus may be done in the style of a game: not too serious.

A missile is designed to pursue a target.

A missile is designed to pursue a target.

Is my pursuit of Jesus urgent?

The pursuit of Jesus is not a straight forward task.
- I may pray and get few answers.
- I may go to church and find little help.
- I may read books or seek counsel with people around and only get more confused.
- I may have hardly started searching earnestly or already have given up.
- I may been close to Jesus and the love appears faded away.

Why is the pursuit of Jesus so hard?

Some thoughts:
On the negative side: Lack of desire, disappointment, examples and help.
On the positive side:

  1. We may need a competent advisor, a spiritual director. And competent ones are seldom. Signs of incompetence: not feeling understood, unsolicited advice, quick solutions.
  2. We need courage and willingness to change(and not just small changes).
  3. It is much easier to take the journey together with others who also have an earnest desire and are willing to pay the price.
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