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Why Community? My Family Needs. 10 May 2022

A typical family may consist of a husband, wife, and a number of children. Each of them has a need for friends. Typically friends do have some interests in common. They may have a common culture. Members of a Christian family do have a need for Christian friends.

Limitations of a Family

A family has a limited number of members. Since they do have a lot in common, they may specialize with certain talents. They however may lack other talents and skills. Certain activities require a greater number of persons than a typical family has.
Dating and the finding of marriage partners as well requires a larger group of people than just a family.

Society's Culture

The culture of the society can be foreign to the culture of a family. A community can bridge the gap between the family values and the society values.


Jesus, just a prayer for new Christian communities to represent the values of Christ.

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