Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:
I.M. Meek 26 May 2021
Being meek sounds passive. I just follow. What am I following?
Bad Example
When I hang around in groups with a bad moral, I may end up moving myself into trouble. When I will not find a better dream or leader, I may get lost. I will not reach a good destination. Being meek in this sense costs little. Although .. there is no escape.
Following the Crowd
Most people find a way to participate in the society around them. They may find a reasonable satisfaction with a standard life. They are however not following their heart and dreams. They get stuck in the hardships of life. It may be an 'average' life. Not too bad and not too good.
Following my Heart
I make choices and sacrifices to realize my dreams. Perhaps I develop a passion, something I really work on hard. That is a lot more fulfilling and rewarding.
Quite some passionate people with an excellent track record of performing still are unhappy.
Following a Good Shepherd
A true Shepherd cares for all the needs of his flock. I am cared for. I trust my shepherd and I follow him.
It is an image. It does not mean that I can be lazy. For laziness (over a longer period) does not make happy.
Where to Find
Personally I only trust the shepherd who has the power to guide me into a good eternal life. My godly Redeemer is called Jesus Christ. I know about him through the bible and church.
The church is a kind of forerunner or shadow of the Kingdom of God. It is not so perfect as I would desire. She is not yet a perfect shepherd. I am a part of it and the disciple is not better than the master.
I seek however ways of growth. I pray. I ask God. I talk with other persons. I am a sheep. And a good sheep needs a degree of meekness.
Jesus, in your name I ask my heavenly Father for fresh shepherd skills in the church. Holy Spirit, it is you who equips your church with gifts. Blow Holy Spirit, blow your fresh air. I love your gentle uplifting breeze.