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I.M. Light 11 May 2021

Traveling light weight is easier than traveling with heavy burdens. My weight is already a 90 kilo. And I am happy that I can travel with the burden of my body. A pair of wings capable of flying light-speed would be greatly appreciated, a dream.

No Weight

Sometimes, even during the day, I have a feeling of floating a meter above the ground. It feels happy. I had some dreams over the years where I fly or float effortlessly above the trees. And I enjoy to see the world below me. I watch the world with bubbling pleasure and peace. I do not feel any desire to change the world. It must be said that in those dreams I am not observing violence.


I would love to meet the world and people around me first of all for the purpose of joy. Many of the persons I meet in this world appear to live in a cloud of heaviness. They may be busy, defensive, hurt or critical.
Babies are innocent. Children should be free of worries. With increasing age people tend to carry a more heavy burden. They can no more escape from their thick cloud of history and perhaps inhumanity.
I am created to fly and enjoy. I am not intended to live in a cloud of protection and defense. I would rather die.


Jesus, please equip me with wings to fly in freedom. Come Holy Spirit.

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