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I.M. Laid-back 5 May 2021

To be honest, I admit that this morning I had little idea what laid-back means. Yes, it sounds lazy. Dictionaries add casual, carefree. That is enough.

Not Lazy

I just returned from a 40 km bicycle tour. During the first kilometers it was even raining. The tour did have a noble purpose. I had my first Pfizer COVID vaccination. And by now I truly feel 'laid-back'. I did my duty for my plagued society and now I want my rest. But alas, in the afternoon another trip is scheduled. This time it goes by bus. It is Millet's turn for her AstraZenica. A busy day for me. I feel sleepy. But there is no time to lay-back.


I need to make another admission. I can't deny that the laid-back definition of the dictionary applies to me as well. I do like a simple life. And I am not a front-runner in caring for my neighbour.
Nevertheless I want to give a part of my time to care for my neighbours.


Jesus, are not most who refuse to follow you laid-back? I pray for a fresh calling of the laid-back Catholics in my country. I also pray for mature leaders to guide them.

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