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I.M. Known 3 May 2021

In long forgotten times I was known as a sergeant in the army. There were no soldiers under my command. My time in military service left great memories in mind. We celebrated most days with fellowship and of course drinking in the evenings. In the Philippines it would be called a 'hanging around with my barcada'.

Had I known it ...

In my high school time I struggled a lot with English Language. At that time I had no idea how important the English language would become in my life. Perhaps I would have worked harder. Still I think that would have helped little. I learned from reading and got familiar with the practical usage. I am still not excellent in English.


Yes I did learn some basic English in high school. But it was by far not enough. With a holiday in the UK I learned that I had only a limited set of words. I got familiar with some technical English. But even when I graduated from the technical University at the age of 32 years old, the quality of my English was miserable. I was graded for my thesis 10% lower because of my English skills. A great improvement came when I lived for 5 months in Ireland. And after that I even added in one year time 3000 new English words to my vocabulary. With living for 5 years in the Philippines I increased my English skills. And now ... with writing daily on my website and Facebook page I still continue to learn. I am sure my High School teachers would be very proud on my progress.


Father God, I thank you for the English language. Guide me into the languages I will need the coming years! Holy Spirit, I beg you for the gift of foreign tongues. Father God, I ask that my knowledge of language may contribute to you being known.

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