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Song of Solomon: Teachable 12 May 2020

Two small themes for today: transparent and teachable.


Love does not like to be hidden. Our deeds should be accountable. Hidden things go together with shame and fear. In the deepest, I believe that we like to be known for what we really are.


When I make my deeds visible, I also become teachable. I can be helped. I can be corrected. Sol8:2 welcomes God (the Lover) as teacher.

The people God calls together

They are called to be a 'light to the world' and to be instructed in love and kindness.
In my opinion: hidden things cause trouble and people who can not be corrected cause trouble.
Openness however requires kindness and love.

Sol 8:1-2

1 Ah, why are you not my brother,
nursed at my mother's breast!
Then if I met you out of doors,
I could kiss you without people thinking ill of me.
2 I should lead you,
I should take you into my mother's house,
and you would teach me!
I should give you spiced wine to drink,
juice of my pomegranates.

me teachin

Do not believe everything you see.

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