Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:
Motivation 28 May 2020
Assume you could see the need for a strong Catholic Community. What could be a motivation for you towards participation. In what kind of experiment towards a stronger community would you be wiling to participate? How would it benefit you?
Only You
No-one else than you can answer this question. I asked Millet, my wife.
Millet's Answer
What could motivate me is:
"Sharing and talking about starting to love one-another and about what I can give to the community."
And Community is not:
1. not like to share
2. not like to meet
3. not like to contribute
4. Just take and take
"No man is an island":
Openness and willingness to share interests and resources to build up others and to have a communal goal.
And you?
Please comment on the Facebook page! It does not need to be big of spiritual.