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Place Christ Between (PCB) 7 May 2019

Printed Circuit Board (PCB)

On the Internet I read: Are you interested in the pictures of the following products? And I responded: Can I use them on my website? I got the permission and I am thankful for that: Thanks Jasmine!

printed circuit board

PCB's connect electronic components.

Ask and you will be given

Jesus says so. And especially He encourages us to ask for the Holy Spirit. You see, when I asked for permission to use the picture, I got it!

Place Christ in Between (PCB)

In the Hebrews letter it says that Jesus is our Intercessor, our High Priest. So let us Place Christ Between (PCB) us and God the Father. He understands our human needs.


As you can see, the PCB uses gold. The gold is needed to guarantee a good contact with connections. We also may need some Gold to ensure good contact with Jesus. That Gold can be the intercession of Mary or one of the saints or our brothers and sisters. The better the connection with Jesus, the more effective my prayer. Thanks for good connections! They are like gold.

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