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I.M. Inadequate 25 Mar 2021

Today Catholics celebrate the annunciation of Jesus Christ. It is a nine months before Christmas. Mary could have felt inadequate for her task. She however responded to the angel messenger with a "Let it happen as you have said."
With the annunciation of John the Baptist to priest Zechariah his response to the angel was with expressing his inadequacy: "I am already old an my wife is getting on in years."


Not having the right tools or skills for a certain job makes me feel inadequate. Inadequacy should not be used as an argument when an important issue is at stake. No-one is adequate enough to solve any complex or even simple problem.
Having the right tools for a job and reasonable skill will take away all the feelings of inadequacy. I can do it.


If a certain problem needs to be resolved, I should check if I can think about a feasible solution. If the answer is no, I can still wonder if the given problem really needs to be fixed. Not every problem needs a (good) solution.
When the issue is feasible and I feel that I am not the right person I do have two options. Either I fix the problem myself in an imperfect way or I find a more adequate person to solve my problem.
Not so perfect solutions are actually the standard in an imperfect world.


Dear Jesus, I offer to you my inadequacy. Please Holy Spirit, make my inadequacy performing whatever God wants me to do. Here I am.

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