Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:
I.M. Honoured 7 Mar 2021
Being honoured sounds nice. What would a king or an artist say about being honoured? Perhaps it is not always convenient. With just walking over the street you need a security guard. You need to be always available for service to the crowd. You hardly can show how you truly feel inside. It could be that their answer is that being honoured is terrible, at least by times.
God commands us that we should honour him. When Jesus was approached by the crowds, it was not always easy for him. And often he sought a quiet place for himself and for his disciples.
I am however due to give all honour to God. He is the maker of my life and the giver of life. Being glorified would not help me to run the mission into which I am called or commanded. I am called to serve and love others. I am called to be a servant. And servants should not take the honour of their master.
May all glory be to you God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I thank you that I only need to be a servant and a child of you. That is a small burden.