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PSALM 132 - Promise of David 13 Mar 2020
In Psalm 132 David is said to have made a too big promise: "I will no more sleep unless ..." I assume that the pilgrims on the road to Jerusalem as well had hardships and little sleep. They were on their way to the residence of God: Zion.
Residence of the Most High
The Most High is said to be omnipresent. He is there where He is welcome. Where He is worshiped appropriately. Where He is obeyed. My pilgrimage shall prepare me to re-connect to my Lord and God. He waits for me.
Psalm 132
1 [Song of Ascents]
Yahweh, remember David
and all the hardships he endured,
2 the oath he swore to Yahweh,
his vow to the Mighty One of Jacob:
3 'I will not enter tent or house,
will not climb into bed,
4 will not allow myself to sleep,
not even to close my eyes,
5 till I have found a place for Yahweh,
a dwelling for the Mighty One of Jacob!'
6 Listen, we heard of it in Ephrathah,
we found it at Forest-Fields.
7 Let us go into his dwelling-place,
and worship at his footstool.
8 Go up, Yahweh, to your resting-place,
you and the ark of your strength.
9 Your priests are robed in saving justice,
your faithful are shouting for joy.
10 For the sake of your servant David,
do not reject your anointed.
11 Yahweh has sworn to David,
and will always remain true to his word,
'I promise that I will set a son of yours upon your throne.
12 If your sons observe my covenant
and the instructions I have taught them,
their sons too for evermore will occupy your throne.'
13 For Yahweh has chosen Zion,
he has desired it as a home.
14 'Here shall I rest for evermore,
here shall I make my home as I have wished.
15 'I shall generously bless her produce,
give her needy their fill of food,
16 I shall clothe her priests with salvation,
and her faithful will sing aloud for joy.
17 'There I shall raise up a line of descendants for David,
light a lamp for my anointed;
18 I shall clothe his enemies with shame, while his own crown shall flourish.'
Excerpt from THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE, copyright (c) 1985 by
Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division
of Penguin Random House, Inc. Reprinted by Permission.
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