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PSALM 126 - Sowing in Tears 7 Mar 2020
Israel remembers their coming back from the exile. All the great deeds that God had done for them. Furthermore Israel believes that there is a harvest for those who sow in tears. They will sing with bringing in the sheaves. Psalm 126 has been a rich inspiration for songwriters.
Sowing in Tears
Often it is said that the church grows where there have been martyrs who died for their faith. My faithful suffering has value. I need to tell God about my unrealised desires. I need to cry about my failures and where needed I shall repent and I shall try to sow again where I previously failed. Because I desire a harvest for my Saviour.
Psalm 126
1 [Song of Ascents]
When Yahweh brought back Zion's captives
we lived in a dream;
2 then our mouths filled with laughter,
and our lips with song.
Then the nations kept saying,
'What great deeds Yahweh has done for them!'
3 Yes, Yahweh did great deeds for us,
and we were overjoyed.
4 Bring back, Yahweh,
our people from captivity
like torrents in the Negeb!
5 Those who sow in tears
sing as they reap.
6 He went off, went off weeping,
carrying the seed.
He comes back,
comes back singing,
bringing in his sheaves.
Excerpt from THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE, copyright (c) 1985 by
Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division
of Penguin Random House, Inc. Reprinted by Permission.

Harvest of flowers.
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