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PSALM 125 - Proclaiming Victory 6 Mar 2020
Even in the army, the soldiers sing songs when marching. The rhythm of a steady pace invites to counting the steps and repeating together with the others simple verses. The walking is monotonous. The journey to Jerusalem, city of peace, is still long. Surely soldiers like songs of victory. So did the Jewish people.
What Victory?
I proclaim the conversion work under progress, the coming of the Kingdom of God. The goodness of God shall be seen, even in this world.
Psalm 125
1 [Song of Ascents]
Whoever trusts in Yahweh is like Mount Zion:
unshakeable, it stands for ever.
2 Jerusalem! The mountains encircle her:
so Yahweh encircles his people,
henceforth and for ever.
3 The sceptre of the wicked
will not come to rest over the heritage of the upright;
or the upright might set their own hands to evil.
4 Do good, Yahweh,
to those who are good,
to the sincere at heart.
5 But the crooked, the twisted,
turn them away, Yahweh,
with evil-doers.
Peace to Israel!
Excerpt from THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE, copyright (c) 1985 by
Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division
of Penguin Random House, Inc. Reprinted by Permission.
Marching Soldiers