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Wellness 19 Mar 2019

I hope you are doing well. At the campus (HTC) where i work most days, we have a wellness center. You can go there for your workout. It is conveniently near the work. My desire for wellness never drove me to visit the center and do a workout. I made a selfie. The mirrored building is where I actually work.

wellness center

Wellness center.

Feeling well

Some things that hinder me in feeling well, are:
- My desire to control things in life. I am never able to get it done.
- My desire to change things out of my scope of control.

Here and now

When I do not live in the present and presence of things near me, I may end up daydreaming and being disappointed with my lack of success.

Fortunately there is a creativity in me, which brings me back to doable things that I do enjoy. I am so thankful for creativity. It really draws me back into wellness.

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