Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:
Quiet Disappointment 6 June 2020
When I am disappointed, I become quiet. Some of my joy is gone. I feel sad. I experience loss. When a person was the cause, I may stop talking with him or her. I even may like to revenge and hurt the one who stole my anticipated positive experience.
There are plenty of synonyms for the word disappointed. Most of them describe negative emotions. Disappointment is connected to stories, to realities that not easily disappear. Most of the synonyms do not express that very well. Because there is a story connected, disappointments stick into our memory.
I can either work through my disappointment or I can hold a grudge and memorize my bad experience forever.
The first option sets me free. The second option may increase my inner hurt. And people who are hurt, tend to hurt others around.
Disappointment's Revenge
When I hold a grudge against someone:
a) I do not forgive the offender. (It can be myself)
b) I do not give the offender an opportunity to defend or make repair. (It may be myself)
c) I may blame someone and spread hurt.
d) I mistrust others. (and myself)
e) I mistrust life. And perhaps God.
f) I withhold myself from solving problems and from trying again.
g) I may refuse to make repair to others involved.
Yes, I have a right to be disappointed.
Is that really true? Do I have the right to hurt others and myself?