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Be Another Christ 29 Jun 2019

Always Be Christlike would be a nice meaning for yesterday's church ABC. Being Another Christ (BAC) is what I desire. I find myself far from the target.

What do I like to be?

I just and only can be what I am. It is not easy to behave different from my usual habits.

I am however invited to represent Christ in this world. Therefore I am called to reach out to my fellow people. I am called to imitate Jesus.

How did Jesus behave?

  1. Jesus began with prayer: Listening to the Father. A thing which I do not find easy. I however do try.
  2. Jesus gathered disciples, whom He trained.
  3. Jesus went out to visit Pharisees, Sinners and Tax Collectors.
  4. Jesus healed the sick.
  5. Jesus taught multitudes.

No wonder that is so hard to be another Christ. Nevertheless, I am called to participate in His ministry.

Letter B, A and C

A variation on the ABC

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