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Baby 24 Jun 2019
Babies do need a lot of care. They are lovable and dependent. They need food. They also need love, otherwise they will never develop into a healthy human being.
The baby is not supposed to remain a baby. The baby only evolves and develops slow and little by little. New life needs to be fostered.
Baby Community
I always thought that building community is easy. It should be a simple process. I was wrong. It is not easy. It is not simple. It is not quick.
In a community characters already shaped, need to be reshaped. Perhaps we need to be Born Again.
With the being born again, we certainly need parents. That could be Father God. I am sure mother Mary intercedes for us. But if the baby does not move, everything is in vain. Baby community member
perhaps needs instruction and guidance to learn to walk the community life.
Baby Care