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Dublin 14 Jun 2018
We went for a short holiday to Dublin. A 25 years ago I had lived for 6 months in Dublin. Sure enough many things had changed in Dublin and I had forgotten a lot. The city is full of old buildings, churches and plenty of nice people. The city hosts masses of tourists and many homeless people. A walk in the area where I had stayed 25 years ago was disappointing. Where once had been a sisters convent with a farm and fields now was a new subdivision. It took a lot of walking and seeking to familiarize with the public transport. Guess that is normal in any big city. On our first afternoon we had visited the Dominican Priory of St. Saviour's. We were blessed with the quietness of the praying community preparing for the vespers. On their newsletter we found invitations for the events that filled the two other evenings in Dublin.
On Tuesday evening we visited the 'Divine Mercy' mass and prayers. We appreciated the preaching and especially the story of St. Faustina who once had an appearance of Jesus: "Listen my daughter: if you were almighty and had all the means and power and a small needy child would come to you with requests, what would you do? The saint answered: I would give the child all it requested." That is what God is like. Unfortunately my faith in God's provision for me is still small and I am not yet as generous as God likes me to be.
Dublin Whiskey Museum
On Wednesday evening we attended the Taize prayer evening. We met four men who had held those prayer events weekly for 14 years. We heard stories from them about the expensive housing prices, the homeless and addicted. We have been blessed by their example of faithful prayer of love for the needy ones.