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Matthew 17:1-2. Jesus Different 1 Jul 2023

Mat 17:1 Six days later,
Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John
and led them up a high mountain by themselves.
2 There in their presence he was transfigured:
his face shone like the sun
and his clothes became as dazzling as light.

Excerpt from THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE, copyright (c) 1985 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division of Penguin Random House, Inc. Reprinted by Permission.

Climbing a high mountain can be pretty exhausting. The sun may be intensely bright. Then the three disciples had a dazzling experience. It was six days after that Saint Peter had named and recognized Jesus as the Christ, the redeemer of Israel.

I'm sure when I had been there, I would not have believed my eyes.


Jesus, please surprise me with events needed to strengthen my faith.

His Face Shining

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