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Zechariah. High Priest: Listen. 3:6-7. 20 January 2025
Zec 3:8 So listen,
High Priest Joshua, you and the colleagues over whom you preside
-- for they are an omen of things to come --
for now I shall bring in my servant the Branch,
and I shall remove this country's guilt in a single day.
9 For this is the stone which I have put before Joshua,
a stone on which are seven eyes;
and I myself shall cut the inscription on it
-- Yahweh Sabaoth declares."
10 On that day -- Yahweh Sabaoth declares --
invite each other to come under your vine and your fig tree."
Excerpt from THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE, copyright (c) 1985 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division of Penguin Random House, Inc. Reprinted by Permission.
Guilt Taken Away: Listen.
Even a high priest should listen by times.
Especially, at a time when sins have been wiped away.
That is a moment when God likes to bless.
My Servant The Branch
I do not understand the 'now.' Otherwise, I could apply the text to Jesus. It might mean, a Jewish remnant?
Jesus, please grant me an understanding of your plans for your people, church, and Jews..

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