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Matthew 6:13. Test. 27 Jan 2023
Mat 6:13 And do not put us to the test, but save us from the Evil One.
I am an engineer. I test everything. Because I make failures. Would God never make failures? He does give me the opportunity to make failures. When I would be in the position of God, I would be very curious what all those people on earth choose. Good or Evil?
Save us from the Evil One. It appears to me, that I am the one who allows the evil in my life. And thus I really appreciate Jesus, my Saviour.
How would this 'saving' work? I assume that I need to follow, little by little, the example of Jesus. Fortunately my Saviour does have a lot of grace and patience with me. I am not a fast learner.
Jesus, I thank you for your kind patience with me and so many.
Self Evaluation
I need the Holy Spirit to discover the plan of Jesus for me.

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