Build Community

Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:

I.M. Stable 30 Jan 2022

Something stable, would not collapse easily. Something rigid could be less stable than something flexible. As a human being I do have the tendency to fix what I am. I do know what I have and what I am. But when I change, what will happen to me?


Stability does not ask nasty question. Nasty could be anything which makes me uncertain. There goes my stability. Certain kind of questions are unsettling. There are however questions helping to resolve the uncertainty:
How could I do that?
What can I do to obtain my goal?
Those are questions towards a solution. They even ask support for insight and wisdom.


Holy Spirit, how could I build community? What can I do to get closer to 'building community?'. Please get me out of my stable, unmoving position.

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