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I.M. Special 26 Jan 2022

It is not hard to be special. We all are special. I am unique. I am unique in my good features and unique in my less convenient characteristics. There is not really a need to boost about myself. On the other end, it is vitally important to accept the less pleasant things about myself.

Self Acceptance

What do I dislike about myself? Some features I simply dislike because others rejected them. Perhaps in the form of unkind comments. Whatever may have driven others, are those features really bad or a problem? I can re-evaluate those things with more love and wisdom. Perhaps I need to find more pleasure in caring for certain parts of my body or life.

Different are my failures. I need to accept them as well. Where I have hurt or disappointed others, I can seek forgiveness or make effort to regain trust. Failing is a normal part of life. I need to forgive myself as well. By times, I may simply fail. I can't be perfect all the time.


Father God, please teach me self respect. Help me being special for the wellbeing of myself and others.

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