Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:
I.M. Full 30 Jan 2021
It is time for some boasting. I am full of nice ideas. That is because God has given me some of his mind. A creative mind. I am sure God loves me to explore some new ideas and thoughts.
I am not the only one with nice ideas. Normal people do have desires and things they like to do.
As far as it depends on me I like to use my creativity for meaningful projects and also some of it just for pleasure. What would give meaning in my life?
Ultimately, God is the first thing which gives meaning to my life. It is his presence in my heart which sets me free. Free from all doubts that I might not be good enough. He forgives my sins as long as I forgive the others around me. He gives me trust in life. Even when things are hard.
The next thing giving meaning to my life is building trust. People I relate to (including myself) should be able to trust me for important things. I can trust God. My fellow people should be able to trust me. And no one trusts laziness. I need to take up some duties in life. I choose for meaning in my life.
When I have purpose in my life, then God can call me. Now I will be able to perform something bigger. And usually I will do it together with others. It only will happen when others can trust me.
I thank God for filling me with some of his Spirit. Please God connect me to your world. Heal my wounded relationships. Protect the words of my mouth. And help me today to be a blessing for some others.