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Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:

I.M. Fragmented 18 Jan 2021

Fragmented sounds like disoriented, in pieces. Things need to be organized or reordered. That would be a negative implication. There is a far more positive view on being fragmented.

Step By Step

I am unable to work on various things at the same time. Fortunately I can work on fragments. That is a lot easier. They are smaller and easier to understand.

Broken Life

When a life is broken, it also becomes more fragmented. The fragments that need attention become visible. And new things can happen. The fragments become repairable. It goes together with pain. Once more pain draws attention to a fragment that is damaged and needs care.


When there are various fragments which need attention, I can list them on a paper. I do not even plan to work at all of them. It gives rest. I know a few things that need my attention. Any bigger work can be separated in smaller fragments. I love those fragments. Because I can deal with their limited complexity.

The Trick

I can only work on issues where I have some idea how to deal with. I just take one issue where I can feel that I am able to improve it. I try on that one and I test if my plan works.
If I could improve the fragment, excellent! I can consider to work on another fragment.
If my work fails, no problem. I put the work on my fragment on hold. And I try another fragment.

It is fun to work on simple things.


Come Holy Spirit, guide me to work on what can be done today. And I thank you that there are more days to come.

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