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I.M. Flattered 1 Jan 2021

Isn't it strange that praise is so often mistrusted? Even when I praise God, it sounds somewhat strange. How can I truly speak about a God who is far away. Even when it is not easy to understand his or her deeds. Interestingly, God wants to be praised. On the opposite side, I mistrust praise.


A reason for my mistrust could be that praise (to me) sounds too often flattering. A bit untrue. I am displayed better than I think about myself, better than the reality as I see it myself.

Learning from my Idol

Actually my 'Idol' is not a false God. He is the only true God. I learn that I am valuable and precious, made for an eternity. I do have eternal value. Actually I share in the beauty of God, for I am made in his image. And God wants me to know this. Sure enough God only wants to connect to precious, valuable 'things' as you and me.


Father God, I ask you as a grace that I can reflect more and more your loving-kindness. Thank you for our precious lives. In principle no gift of you can be flattered.


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