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I.M. Lazy 6 May 2021

In the art of computer programming there is a principle of lazy execution. The idea is that you do not calculate something until it is really needed. There are two advantages. First there is no need to remember the result. Second it prevents a waste of energy. It is however required that you do have an effective way of computing (getting) the required information.

Wisdom of Laziness

Don't do things that are not really needed. Do not waste your time. Do the right things. Get the result that you really want. Focus on what is important.

Wisdom of Delegating

Especially for leaders, and we all should lead our own life, it is important that we hand over some work to others. And sometimes I need to pay for that. Car maintenance is not my strength. With graphical design I only know the basics. Thus for quality work, I need to delegate the work to a person who can do a better job than I can.
The wisdom is that it saves me frustration. I have more energy for other important tasks.


I avoid to do certain important things. It is called procrastination. I am paralyzed. It brings the risk that I end up void, with no work done. Of course that is not better than plain laziness. When my being lazy has underlaying reasons, it helps to acknowledge them.
If I am rebellious and want to hurt someone, I as well hurt myself.
If I am angry, I as well hurt myself.
If I am afraid for something, I better learn to overcome my fear.

There are certainly more reasons. Laziness does not bring forth life. I should seek challenges in life. Things which I love to do and which bring joy in my life.


Since I am human, I do have the right to moments of laziness.


Father God, please teach me when to be lazy and when not.

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