Build Community

Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:

No, but I will help 1 June 2020

It is Pentecost. In the Netherlands we celebrate pentecost on two days, because it is an important feast. The Holy Spirit pours out his graces: gifts. Sure enough you have a gift or some gifts of the Holy Spirit.

No, but ...

It is not one single step towards community. It is clear that it is not fair to expect you to say "yes" to something unknown. I hope you do have an interest in Christian community. You are invited to use your gifts and talents to pave the way towards community.


In order to develop a website "Build Community" and another website "School of Christian Community" we need people to support and help us. Furthermore we plan to set up training towards community. We have a number of vacancies. You will find a list in the picture and in the coming days a more detailed description of the gift of the Holy Spirit involved. Please pray for us. Thanks a lot.

A list with vacancies

We seek co-workers.

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