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TED Make People Listen. 16 Feb 2024

Would you like to learn How to speak so that people want to listen? by Julian Treasure.

Seven Things To Avoid

1. Gossip
2. Judging
3. Negativity
4. Complaining
5. Excuses
6. Lying
7. Dogmatism

Four Positive Things

1. Hail. Greet or Acclaim enthusiastically.
2. Authenticity. Be yourself.
3. Integrity. Being what your word is. Doing what you say.
4. Love. Wishing people well.

Voice Usage

My voice has a few 'tools':
Register, tone: nose / chest. From the chest produces more weight and a lower voice.
Timbre: warm, rich, smooth. There are voice coaches.
Prosidy: not monotonic, song, Rhythm, metalanguage.
Pace: slow, fast, pause.
Volume: soft, normal, load


Warm up the voice before important messages.

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