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Matthew 8:18. Other Side. 26 Feb 2023

Mat 8:18 When Jesus saw the crowd all about him he gave orders to leave for the other side.

Some bible translations add: 'of the lake.' And yes, Jesus and the disciples are about to cross the lake. Before that happens, two different people approach Jesus with issues about following him. A Pharisee and one of the disciples. They both consider following Jesus.

Now Jesus gave orders to move to the other 'side'. Perhaps meaning to follow him. An order. A command. Did Jesus speak just to his disciples? As well, a pharisee responded.

And as we will see in the next verses. Jesus demands a lot from his followers. And with the crossing-over (the lake), there is a storm.


Jesus, I want to hear your instructions for my life.

Self Evaluation

I am at a crossover point in my life. From working life to a retired life.

To the other side.

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