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Matthew 8:16-17. Evening. 25 Feb 2023

Mat 8:16 That evening they brought him many who were possessed by devils. He drove out the spirits with a command and cured all who were sick. 17 This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: He himself bore our sicknesses away and carried our diseases.

That evening is on the day of the healing of saint Peter's mother in law. Perhaps she was a great cook. And Jesus was in a good mood.
Being fair, the preceding verses show that Jesus was more than willing to heal. Isaiah said centuries before:
"He took our sicknesses and diseases." It is written in the past tense. Meaning that Jesus did so over all times. And in the here and now: He still is willing to heal.

Still a warning. vs 17 Says that Jesus fulfilled the prophesy of Isaiah. That could mean Jesus only healed during his ministry on earth. I however observe his willingness to heal. I believe that He is willing in the here and now as well.


Jesus, be my healer and the healer of many.

Self Evaluation

I enjoy to observe the willingness of Jesus.


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