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I.M. Heartbroken 27 Feb 2021

The times I felt heartbroken I can count on the fingers of one hand. Perhaps I am too proud, perhaps too indifferent. It is however the season of lent. A time to meditate on what separates me form others and God.


Not knowing about the pain and suffering of others may be a valid excuse. It may however need a crack in my hardened heart to become more sensitive for the needs of others. I need to open my heart. I need to make time to listen to others.
Feeling inadequate or not able to help with the needs of others may feed my indifference. I still can learn to be empathic for the needs of others. The empathic person find ways to express his understanding for the pain and problems of others. Being empathic should not break my heart. I can not take over the pain and suffering of others. In the best case I can give some relief.

Being Sorry

A healthy person feels regret about the trouble he or she causes to others, self and perhaps God. When I am in trouble or serious danger, I need to acknowledge it. If I am not able to fix the problem myself, it may be time to pray, fast and give alms to the needy ones. That could be "heartbroken" in a meaningful way.


Holy Spirit, help me to acknowledge some of the horrible things in this world and guide me in fasting, praying and alms-giving. Make my heart soft, so that it will not break.

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