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PSALM 96 - Heavens 6 Feb 2020
In the old testament, frequently it speaks about heavens. The multiple of one heaven. Heaven may be the place from where rain of or the heavenly bread (Manna) comes from. Or the place of thunder. It also may stand for the place where God resides and places that proclaim God's greatness.
More than one heaven?
Saint Paul speaks about a "third heaven." From the introduction it is clear that a heaven is a place which triggers my imagination. It should be a better place than earth. Perhaps the angels of God reside in heaven. They also minister on earth.
The Goodness of God
I believe that the goodness of God resides where I (and others) welcome it. I am called to love as God loved me. Unfortunately I feel stuck at the level of a sinner.
As verse 12 and 13 express: "I should cry out for joy" for "he is coming, coming to judge the earth; he will judge the world with saving justice, and the nations with constancy."
Psalm 96
1 Sing a new song to Yahweh!
Sing to Yahweh, all the earth!
2 Sing to Yahweh, bless his name!
Proclaim his salvation day after day,
3 declare his glory among the nations,
his marvels to every people!
4 Great is Yahweh, worthy of all praise,
more awesome than any of the gods.
5 All the gods of the nations are idols!
It was Yahweh who made the heavens;
6 in his presence are splendour and majesty,
in his sanctuary power and beauty.
7 Give to Yahweh, families of nations,
give to Yahweh glory and power,
8 give to Yahweh the glory due to his name!
Bring an offering and enter his courts,
9 adore Yahweh in the splendour of his holiness.
Tremble before him, all the earth.
10 Say among the nations, 'Yahweh is king.'
The world is set firm, it cannot be moved.
He will judge the nations with justice.
11 Let the heavens rejoice and earth be glad!
Let the sea thunder, and all it holds!
12 Let the countryside exult, and all that is in it,
and all the trees of the forest cry out for joy,
13 at Yahweh's approach,
for he is coming, coming to judge the earth;
he will judge the world with saving justice,
and the nations with constancy.
Excerpt from THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE, copyright (c) 1985 by
Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division
of Penguin Random House, Inc. Reprinted by Permission.
In the Heavens.