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PSALM 114 - Exodus 24 Feb 2020
Psalm 114 celebrates the Exodus of Israel from Egypt. An Exodus appears to be a painful journey. Such a painful journey is usually required to find life. The Egyptians suffered. The Israelites suffered. Moses got disappointed. Even God got angry by times.
It takes pain to grow. I need to give up my safety. I need to try new things that I am afraid of. I must be willing to face new challenges, hardships. And usually on the journey it may take a long way before I see glimpses of the new life. The barren desert is often the only place where I can find the desired new life. It takes courage and strong force to go there. My journey is or will be full of surprises.
I allow my God to drive me into Exodus experiences. That I may sing new songs.
Psalm 114
1 Alleluia! When Israel came out of Egypt,
the House of Jacob from a people of foreign speech,
2 Judah became his sanctuary,
and Israel his domain.
3 The sea fled at the sight,
the Jordan turned back,
4 the mountains skipped like rams,
the hills like sheep.
5 Sea, what makes you flee?
Jordan, why turn back?
6 Why skip like rams, you mountains?
Why like sheep, you hills?
7 Tremble, earth, at the coming of the Lord,
at the coming of the God of Jacob,
8 who turns rock into pool,
flint into fountain.
Excerpt from THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE, copyright (c) 1985 by
Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division
of Penguin Random House, Inc. Reprinted by Permission.

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