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PSALM 108 - Trample Down my Enemy 18 Feb 2020
Words from psalm 57 are repeated today. In psalm 108 it is even more a jubilation, a joyful outcry to God. For God had made promises on some of the enemies of David.
God will deal with my enemies
David does not trust human help. He chooses the help of God. He will trample down our enemies.
Stamp on the Devil?
Some "worship" songs suggest to stamp on the Devil. I feel this far from what David did. As well in the new testament I read "And soon God will crush Satan under your feet." God is the one who can do it. I am very careful to attack Satan myself. God can do it for me. God made me to love and not to hate. How God deals with Satan for the sake of justice, that is up to God himself.
Psalm 108
1 [Song. Psalm Of David]
My heart is ready, God,
I will sing and make music;
come, my glory!
2 Awake, lyre and harp,
I will awake the Dawn!
3 I will praise you among the peoples, Yahweh,
I will play to you among nations,
4 for your faithful love towers to heaven,
and your constancy to the clouds.
5 Be exalted above the heavens, God.
Your glory over the whole earth!
6 To rescue those you love,
save with your right hand and answer us.
7 God has spoken from his sanctuary,
'In triumph I will divide up Shechem,
and share out the Valley of Succoth.
8 'Mine is Gilead, mine Manasseh,
Ephraim the helmet on my head,
Judah my commander's baton,
9 'Moab a bowl for me to wash in,
on Edom I plant my sandal,
over Philistia I cry victory.'
10 Who will lead me against a fortified city,
who will guide me into Edom,
11 if not you, the God who has rejected us?
God, you no longer march with our armies.
12 Bring us help in our time of crisis,
any human assistance is worthless.
13 With God we shall do deeds of valour,
he will trample down our enemies.
Excerpt from THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE, copyright (c) 1985 by
Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division
of Penguin Random House, Inc. Reprinted by Permission.
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