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River 18 Feb 2019

End of the road

The picture today shows the unexpected end of a road. The road has been washed away by an overflowing river. The abrupt end of the road also remind me to the abrupt end of our ate Vangie's beautiful life. Today was her funeral. It ended the period of the wake. The family tries to catch up the normal life.

climate change

The road has abruptly been discontinued by an overflowing river.

Climate change in Camiling

Due to the climate change, the Camiling river now overflows once in every 2 or 3 years. That is totally new. Before, the river flow was already dramatically affected by the deforestation in the mountains. That happened already more than 15 years ago. Thus the deforestation alone can not explain the overflowing river (with typhoons).

Up to 5 years ago there were incidentally locally breaches in the river's dikes which caused trouble. But in more recent times, the river simply overflows. It can not hold enough water.


For a relatively small river like the Camiling river, the costs for improvements in dikes is estimated at a 10 Million Euro. the improvements may take many years to be implemented.

In the mean time the population living close to the river faces great uncertainty. With every passing typhoon they fear to be flooded. Especially for the farmers, the uncertainty is a huge problem. They pray and seek for solutions and help. They also may consider to seek different sources of income.

The abrupt road ending

Be prepared. Be reconciled with God and people around.

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