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Extended Eye 29 Dec 2023
Mat 6:21 For wherever your treasure is,
there will your heart be too.
Mat 6:22 'The lamp of the body is the eye.
It follows that if your eye is clear,
your whole body will be filled with light.
Mat 6:23 But if your eye is diseased,
your whole body will be darkness.
If then,
the light inside you is darkened,
what darkness that will be!
Extended Our Father
Matthew 6:19-32 could be called the 'Extended Our Father'. The text elaborates on issues found in the 'Our Father' prayer.
Extended Eye
When I let television and Internet illuminate my eye, I am placed in a world that is too big for me. It is usually not the light of Jesus. I choose a light with a preference for knowledge, sin and destruction. When I desire the illuminations of TV and Internet, my treasure is knowledge and the world. I set my mind on all the problems of the world and on things which are often not good for my spiritual and mental health.
I like it, that Jesus is my treasure. And that gives me a new light in and on the world.
Jesus, please be my treasure. Guide me in the use of Internet and TV.

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