Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:
I.M. Saved 4 Dec 2021
Being saved can be pretty meaningless. Perhaps I did not die. But what then? What next?
When a fledgling with nest is 'saved' by a human, it may never again receive the support of its mother. A human touch may even bring sickness.
When Jesus is my Saviour, He will have to save me day by day from my imperfect behaviour. His saving work will never end as long as I live. I lack direction and follow up. Fortunately that is not completely true.
I easily can name four sources where I can find direction. The Bible holds many practical instructions. The church has a capacity to guide. Fellow believers around have a potential to help to direct me. Finally, the Holy Spirit.
Yes there are plenty of directions. Too many and too often disconnected from a body, larger structure to safeguard me.
There are as well distracting forces. I seek easy ways and lack discipline to follow the Way. The world and the Devil may distract. And not seldom, fellow believers discourage me.
I need to face the truth. Writing helps greatly. I need to make more serious effort to understand where I struggle. Not even God can save me from bad decisions and wasting my time. I am the one to choose.
No one who disrespects or denies his own personality can grow in wisdom. Respecting my own life means that I am willing to take it serious. I need to enjoy my life. I need to face where I mess up things, because they rob me from my joy. And it is safe to meditate on conversion from things that hinder.
Father God, be my teacher. Direct me. Only then I am on a safe path.